English resume

Dear friends of cactus and succulents!
Welcome to the internet website of our club, i. e. Club of Succulent Growers Pardubice. History of our activities dates back to 1960th when we started to meet in the big and well known gardenery of Mr. Vojta. There we could admire many unusual and interesting plants that became for many of us hobby for all our lives.
Today we meet every first Thursday in month (exc. summer holidays) in so called European house at Perstynske square in Pardubice. Here we usually have lectures about growing our plants and from voyages to countries where they grow.
Every year we organize an exhibition of plants from our collections where we also sell some of our seedlings.
We also organize trips abroad to cactus and succulents collections (e. g. Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands).
We hope we can meet one day.

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